BTC Bulk Paymentu: Supports bulk payments to multiple payment addresses in one transaction, thus saving transaction fees and reducing the number of transactions on the blockchain. It is very useful for scenarios such as batch payment of mining profits, distribution of rewards, or large-scale transfers. Provides methods such as csv file import, clipboard paste or manual input to fill in multiple payment information.
Step 1: Enter Bitcoin Input Address for Payment
Step 2: Add Bitcoin Receiving Addresses.
You can enter the Bitcoin receiving addresses by pasting on the clipboard, importing a csv file, or manually entry. Maximum add 200 addresses.
Step 3: Choose Network Fee
You need to choose the network fee. fast network fee is default and you can custom the network fee.
Step 4: Confirm Bulk Payment
Each bulk payment service fee is 30,000 Satoshi. Please Note: If your address contains BRC-20, Inscription, Rare Satoshi or other protocol assets, these assets may be destroyed during the bulk payment transaction process, resulting in a loss of assets, please be aware.
Step 5: Sign transaction
After the signature transaction is completed, the original transaction (rawtx) or transaction hash of the new transaction can be broadcast to multiple nodes faster through the transaction broadcast tool ( Thus transactions may be confirmed faster.
Choose QR code signature transaction
1. Select psbt code signature transaction by default
Currently supported wallets:
psbt: electrum, bluewallet, sparrow, ledger, trezor, keystone, etc.;
UR(crypto-psbt): electrum, bluewallet, sparrow, ledger, trezor, keystone, etc.;
2. Signature transaction
The wallet (the signature address) scans the QR code to sign the transaction.
3. Transaction confirmation
After the signature transaction is completed, wait for confirmation on the chain. After Confirmation on the chain and you complete the bulk payment.
Choose Google Plugin
1.Choose google extension wallet(taking the CloverPool wallet as an example)
First, you need to install the Google extension wallet. Download CloverPool Wallet Extension
Click "Connect Wallet".The wallet address for the authorized signature must be consistent with the address displayed on the page .
Currently supported google extension wallets: CloverPool, Unisat, OKX, Xverse, Bitget, Leather, Phantom etc.
2. Authorize to connect wallet
3. Signature transaction
After the signature transaction is completed, wait for confirmation on the chain. After Confirmation on the chain and you complete the bulk payment.
4. Transaction confirmation
After the signature transaction is completed, wait for confirmation on the chain. When this transaction confirmed on the chain , means we complete the bulk payment .